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Thursday, January 12, 2012


Referencing the Huffington Post article on Jacob Artson…

What I find nuts is about a story like this is the fact that MANY of the people who are in charge of MANY of the workings of our society, our government, absolutely do not believe in science. There are a lot of people in America who believe that autistic children, or any other mentally handicapped children, are a GIFT from god and should not be looked at as a genetic aberration that should be studied to find a way to improve on the life of the subject… like, for example, helping the child to be able to better interact with the environment and other humans, especially the child’s parents.

The fact that the Republican party has been hijacked by many men, and women, of questionable religious ethics is a frightening thought projecting mental images of what the future of American life will look like down the road of life. Suppose, twenty years from now, America as a transformed society… morphed by the religious twisting of morality, into a society ruled by religious leaders who want to impose religious law on a society that was once free. Imagine an all out ban on abortion! Imagine an all out ban on contraception! Imagine women being forced to live separately from men! Imagine bans on music! Imagine bans on movies! Imagine bans on science! Imagine what would happen to the relation between white and black people as laws are enacted banning interracial marriage. Imagine… DEATH TO HOMOSEXUALS as the ultimate religious law! You know it as well as I know it… fringe religion and homosexuality mix as well as oil and fire. Someone is going to burn… and it will not be pretty.

Wake up, white people. You are about to hand over America to the religious fringe. Put these people in power and you will light the fuse that will explode America! Where are the scientist with the power to be saviors when you need them!
